
December 4, 2013
Growing sales in hardware and do-it-yourself during third quarter 2013
Growing sales in hardware and DIY sector in Spain. Barometer sector according to AECOC and AFEB for the third quarter of 2013. We echo a report in the "Sector Barometer", a quarterly publication...

November 18, 2013
Renewal of UNE 60715-1: stripwound metallic flexible hose assemblies
Renewal of UNE 60715-1: stripwound metallic flexible hose assemblies. Effective from October 29th, 2013. From October 29th 2013 is in force the renewal of the spanish rule UNE 60715-1. The...

November 11, 2013
Design and manufacture of accessories and brass fittings by rmmcia
Solutions in brass for fluids: design and manufacture of accessories and brass fittings for conveyance of air, water and gas by Rafael Márquez Moro and Cía., S.A. The fittings and brass fittings...

October 7, 2013
rmmcia at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2014
rmmcia at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2014, from 18th to 21th March 2014 at Fiera Milano. Rafael Marquez Moro y Cia., S.A., will be present at the 39th Mostra Convegno Expocomfort which will take...

September 6, 2013
rmmcia, bronze sponsor at the XXIV congress of Conaif
rmmcia, bronze sponsor at the XXIV congress of conaif, Madrid 19th and 20th September 2013. rmmcia will be present as bronze sponsor at the XXIV congress of conaif to be held in Madrid on 19th and...

July 24, 2013
Renewal of ISO 9001 certificate in rmmcia
On July 17th the auditors from SGS were at our factory to proceed with audit and revision of the current cycle started with the ISO 9001:2008 obtained on August 8th, 2011. During the course of the...

June 22, 2013
Antimicrobial properties of copper and alloys such as brass We present a news article reported on press, La Vanguardia, on June 22, 2013. The title of the article is "Antimicrobial Copper", and talks...

June 7, 2013
rmmcia at Subcon 2013 Birmingham
Rafael Marquez Moro y Cia., S.A. has been from 3th to 6th June at the industrial fair Subcon 2013, held at the National Exposition Center (NEC) in Birmingham (England), located next to the...

March 18, 2013
Rafael Marquez Moro y Cia., S.A. has been from 12 to 16 March at the ISH 2013 trade fair held in Frankfurt (Germany). One of the most important trade fairs worldwide with more than 2000 exhibitors and...

April 10, 2012
Rule in favor of copper sector
Madrid, April 10, 2012. The Commercial Court No. 2 in A Coruña has ruled in favor of the Spanish Center for Copper Information (Centro Español de Información del Cobre, CEDIC) in the lawsuit...